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  • Montag, 14. Oktober 2024, 288. Tag, 42. Woche
    8,8°C, Bedeckt, Wind mit 5,5 km/h aus Westen

    Nordnick 🐘

    Nordnick 🐘 (

    Föderation DE Fr 06.09.2024 08:56:55

    Hi , Hi ,
    Hi Konrad, Hi Nik,

    found a weird effect on Tusky and Pachli, where the editor suddenly displays no content anymore after inserting some stuff (via copy & paste).

    Noticed it yesterday while trying to respond to a post... and suddenly on the fourth insertion of some text everything disappears on the screen.

    To reproduce:
    Copy the whole text of this post to the clipboard:
    Start to write a new post and insert / paste this text.

    The effect shows up for me on 8.1 and Tusky 21.0 and Pachli 2.7.1.

    It works good on Android 12 and Tusky 26.1 and Pachli 2.7.1.

    So it may be connected somehow to the device / version of Android.
